Monday, June 8, 2015

Day 2: Thoughts

So one of my new favorite things to do is to notice when I am having a thought that doesn't make me feel good. Circumstances in life happen and we can't control them... But we can control our thoughts. In each moment we get to pick what we think. So when I notice that I am feeling grumpy, I like going 'Oh!! Hello grumpy thought. I'd rather think something that makes me feel better... So I'm going to do just that!' 
And in that moment I think of something that makes me smile. Like.... I love sunny days. I have amazing friends and family. I have so much to be happy about why would I continue to think grumpy thoughts when there are so many positive things I could be thinking. And a smile spreads across my face and I feel better. Some days it just takes that one little shift. And other days, like today, I get to practice more often.  =}
Oh hello grumpy thought. I'm off to think something happy again. I love that I have control over my thoughts and I get to choose how I feel.  <3

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