Sunday, March 8, 2015

Day 82: The Great UnKnown

Sitting in the airport, getting ready to head to a new adventure!! 'Unknowns' can feel scary. The most exciting scary there is. In those places we find hidden treasures. But we have to be willing to head into the excitingly scary Unknown. Loud voices speak all kinds of unhelpful things. All my past 'failures' want a seat in the front row of my memory to remind me of the risk. 
A quiet voice whispers, 'Where there is great risk, there is great reward.' My heart trembles. I can't tell if it's a trembling from excitement or panic. 

The past couple years of my life haven't made much sense. I felt like I was on a horrible ride and I couldn't get off and I wasn't in control of the destruction that I was being hauled through. And although the ride has settled down, and The Lake of Desolation, that I damn near drowned in, is now in the past, I am still unsure why life is unfolding in the way that it is. I'm not sure we ever get those answers.
All I know is there is another door before me. . . I find myself holding my breath as I walk up and reach towards the handle. . .
What will be on the other side? There is only one way to find out. 

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