Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 91: If We Only Knew

I don't think we always know how deeply we can touch someone's life. Each day we awake and a lot of the times, the days feel the same. I wonder how life would be different if we were able to know how deeply we impact one another. There are big ways that others can show us that we are cared for. . . but most often it's the little things that cause us to feel so very cared for. The little things that touch our hearts the most. And in those moments, we don't usually express how much we appreciate the act. We smile. We feel our heart smile. And we carry on in our day. 
And more often than not, the person who caused us to feel loved doesn't even realize how deeply their gesture impacted us. 

My day was filled with many of these moments and I am truly happy to have my heart touched so sweetly by ones who may not even have realized how often they caused my heart to smile today. <3

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