Saturday, June 6, 2015

Day 1 of Daily Insights

Well, I feel completely humbled and honored. I've had people come to me over the past month (via Facebook messenger and in person) and share with me that they missed reading my 100 Days of Happiness and really wanted me to start writing here again. (I'm beaming from ear to ear as I type that! =D ) I'm just amazed that it was requested... And excited to be put in a place of commitment again to finding happiness and appreciation and insightful things from my day to share! 

I am so thankful that people actually shared their thoughts with me. It made every cell in my body feel happy. I think we should all do that more often. . . Let others know how we feel instead of keeping it to ourselves. "Hey, have I told you lately that I really like who you are." Gosh, saying that line to someone would totally light up their day! 

So here we go, friends. Get ready to board to Appreciation Train as we embark on another journey together. 

<3~In extreme humbled and honored happiness~ <3

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