Thursday, May 28, 2015

I Love You This Mush!

Appreciation of the Day! :)

This is a project my mom has put her heart and soul into and I am incredibly proud of her for being brave enough to launch this! Her project was launched into existence by a dear friend of hers who committed suicide 6 months ago. He had had a very intense childhood that included a lot of sexual abuse and it followed him up to his last day here on earth. My mom was deeply affected by the loss of her friend and was immensely inspired to make a difference. 
It is a very vulnerable place to share our hurts and sorrow with others and I am amazed at her ability to transform her pain into something so beautiful and into something that will help so many other children. 

Any donation to get her project funded will create a momentum that will have long lasting effects on so many souls. I hope you feel inspired to take a look, and donate or share the link or even just feel appreciation for the amount of love that is here.   =}

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