Monday, September 8, 2014

Inner Wisdom

Today I am overflowing with giddy happiness. I'm hoping it pours through these words and lands in your heart and you can't help but feel a flutter of hope in there... and then notice a shimmy of a smile appear on your face.  I have spent the past week out of Alaska and I have to say, "It's about damn time!" :)   I spent a brief moment in Seattle before heading eastward to Connecticut and am now resting in Seattle for another moment before heading back to Alaska.

I spent 5 days in Connecticut for a continuing education class called SomatoEmotional Release. It was unlike anything I have ever experienced and I feel completely different after experiencing what I did over the past 4 days. Like a palpable shift in my reality. As the class was wrapping up yesterday afternoon, a voice inside me said, "Things are going to be different when you walk out of this door. Are you ready?"


That voice wasn't lying....

One of the exercises that was practiced again and again was connecting with a new place within ourselves.  What the heck does that mean?? (I can hear you saying...)

Let me start with a question for you. Do you believe that there is something inside of you, an innate intelligence, that knows how to take care of you? When you get cut, do you run to a doctor and say, "Oh no! I fell and scrapped my knee and I need you to tell me how to heal this wound!" Or does your body just start healing, right there in that very moment? So, I'm no mind reader (contrary to the last paragraph) but I do believe that every one of you has a body that automatically starts to heal itself. Each person can describe this essence of knowledge within them using many different words. Some people use Source, or God, or Soul Light, or Inner Physician, or Inner Wisdom. The words aren't as important as the actual awareness of this aspect of yourself. What an amazing gift we have that we hardly pay any attention to! It was such a revelation to have someone point this out and then show me how to connect with that essence of knowledge in a very tangible way. Let me see if I can describe it another way for you.... Have you ever been sitting in a room, reading a book by the light of the windows solely... The moments pass and you don't even realize that it's gotten darker outside until someone walks in the room and flips on a light and you're like, "Oh! That's much better. Thank you!" That is what this weekend was like. I didn't even know what was missing until I was shown.

And the funny thing is, we all have it... and it's always been there... and it always will be. Healing every wound we ever encounter. So breathe that thought in... and maybe send a little whisper of thanks inward, for all the scraps and cuts and broken hearts that have been healed by the quietest friend (and the strongest power) we all have.

So this is like a PS for a blog or something like that....
I had just finished writing the above content and had published it and moved on about my day... and by moved on I mean, headed immediately to Facebook for a quick browse and BAM! This is the first thing I see show up!  :)
Things like this make me smile from the inside out and they remind me that life is magical. So so very magical......

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