Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Morning Inspiration

We all have days full of sadness and yesterday was definitely one of those for me. I think that my week out of Alaska, when I ventured to Seattle and Connecticut, was so wonderful and warm and happy that coming down from that high kinda hit me square in the heart yesterday. I know just a few blogs ago I was saying I have decided to stay in Alaska for the winter and be very present here, but I am feeling a massive pull towards Seattle. Yesterday I spent hours with a friend looking at potential rentals and potential massage jobs and by the end of it I was so completely overwhelmed. Rent in Seattle is over $1000/mo for your super basic itty bitty place and the typical massage job at a spa pays $25-$35/ hour.  I'm used to paying A LOT less and making A LOT more soooooo that's kind of a hard concept to accept. I feel like there's a huge hurdle in front of me and I just can't figure out how to get over it and on to the other side.

I also learned yesterday that Seattle is called The Emerald City.... yes, my life is (and has always been) very similar to the Wizard of Oz. Strange, I know. But true.

So last night, I'm trying to fall asleep and I'm doing my usual inner dialoguing with God, Source, The Universe (whichever word feels best to you), and I'm asking for help. Guidance. A friggin miracle really.

I awoke this morning and did some usual Facebook perusing and a friend of mine posted some words that really got me... and one of their friends made a comment about it that hit me even more. I felt that I must share them with you.

John Blackfoot- "Maybe the Universe conspires in favor of your evolution; not your comfort or happiness"      UM! Woah. Yep. That one hit home.
Melissa (his friend):   Hmmmmmmm..... Uni- Verse..... the One Word...... perhaps the universe is whatever you say?             BOOM!  mind blown!

 So those are my morning musings and I'm excited to see how they permeate the rest of the day. Be very aware of the words you speak in your head, for that is what you are creating.... then sit back and let the show begin!

I'd love to hear your comments below, if you feel like dropping me a line....  

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