Friday, September 19, 2014

Wouldn't you agree?

Oh my goodness! I saw this floating around on Facebook and it totally made me smile. Even on the hardest of days, life IS magical. And on the greatest of days, it's even easier to see the magic.

So last night as I was leaving the wonderful office that I do massage out of, I had a spark
of inspiration to leave a note for the gals who work the front desk. Just a little note, nothing fancy.

I woke up this morning and had forgotten that I had even left a note. I was reminded when I received a text message from one of the ladies, thanking me. Her thank you made my morning wonderful...  And then I got a facebook picture message from the other girl: "Did you leave this?"

When I walked into work, they were both smiling from ear to ear. It even sparked in me the desire to send out some Good Morning Beautiful Soul texts to random friends.

I was amazed at how an extra minute at the end of a day could fire off so much happiness and love the next morning. It made me wonder why we all don't do this more often. It really takes such little time to let someone in your life know that you appreciate them. And what a wonderful feeling it is in return when you see them light up.

So here's to you, YOU BEAUTIFUL SOUL. Go out and shine your light to the world today and tell someone out there that you appreciate them. Spread the fire of love.


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