Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day 79: Pattern

have a pattern. . . A pattern that I am becoming more aware of. I am curious if others have this same pattern. As most of you know, I am a very excitable person. :)
When I have an idea about making something happen I get PUMPED! But as the event gets closer. . . I start to wonder if it will be as wonderful as I've imagined it to be... And in that space, I start to feel sad or maybe scared about how excited I've been. I start trying to lower my expectations and feel myself pull away from the happiness that was my driving force to begin with. Now the event I've been imaging, for however long, becomes a trigger of sadness opposed to happiness. Many times in my past I have decided (sometimes even the same day) that I won't go to the longed after event. (This happens a lot on Halloween. Haha)
Well, today I was very much in this saddened state. And seeing as this is a Happiness Post, I am here to tell you that I was so happy to be able to go to three Kung Fu classes today and be surrounded by friends. Not only was my mind occupied with the pushing of my mental/physical limits, I was able to utilize that time in a new way. My mantra during class three (as I'm trembling and breaking down mentally) was "It is weakness leaving the body. . . My weakness which causes me to resort to old patterns". 
While I'm not sure how well it worked, it did feel inspiring! And my day was filled with laughter and friendship. So that kicks ass! 

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