Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day 78: It is in the Opening

had an unbelievably amazing weekend (to be honest, words fall short at being able to describe the actuality of the past few days)... As part of the Yoga Teacher Training, I was able to attend a workshop offered by Christopher Hareesh Wallis. Life-changing. The expansive state of Awe created from this weekend spilled over into today and I can't even count the amount of times I was filled to overflowing with gratitude. Deep, soul-fulfilling, juicy moments of seeing utter beauty everywhere I looked and in the words I heard and read. Like the lovely gems below that I feel inspired to share with you. 
I hope these words speak to something in you as well. It's important to take care of yourself, intensely. You are the most precious thing in the world. Every part of you. Be tender with yourself, like you would with a beloved child. Love is everywhere. We just have to be open to receiving it... And once we open the door, love comes rushing in. It's patiently waiting for the invitation from us.
"I am ready."

These words were found on a Facebook page called: Sacred Dreams.

Held~ by Jeff Foster

In my short time on this planet, I have known great sorrow, plunged into the depths of oceanic despair, been thrown so deeply into my loneliness that I thought I would never return. I have tasted the ecstatic joys of meditation, the fierce intimacy of love, the savage pains of heartbreak, the excitement of unexpected success and the blows of sudden failure. There were times when I thought I'd never make it, times when my dreams had been shattered so thoroughly I couldn't imagine how life could ever go on. Yet it went on, and sometimes I found humility within the devastation, and out of the ashes of imagined futures often grew new and present joys, and no experience was ever wasted. 
I have come to trust life completely, trust even the times when I forget how to trust at all, trust that life doesn't always go according to plan, because there is no plan, only life, and even the times of great uncertainty hold supreme intelligence, and sometimes you have to fall to stand more fearlessly, with greater kindness. 
And somehow I am always held, in a way I cannot explain and do not want to. I may be crushed yet again before too long, I may experience further seemingly insurmountable challenges and heartbreaks, but somehow I am always held. Somehow I am always held.

Guests~ By Matt Licata

When an unwanted guest arrives in the vastness of your heart- whether sadness, rage, shame, or grief- listen carefully for an ancient invitation: will you care for this one and infuse it with your presence? Will you hold it close as you would a little one longing for just one moment of your love?
The next time you are greeted with an uninvited visitor, see the habitual movement to deny it or act it out, to avoid it or get hooked into its compelling narrative of urgency and escape. Stay close, right in the middle- offer an intimate playground of tender awareness for the energy to dance inside the vastness that you are. Before you turn away - concluding it is an enemy from the outside, a barrier to the path, and evidence that you have failed - offer just one moment of safe passage. 
As you cultivate the willingness to provide sanctuary to the burning within, you do so not just for yourself, but for all beings everywhere, as well as for the precious earth herself. For when you lay a new groove of self-care and compassion in your own miraculous nervous system, it is simultaneously reflected in the mud and the soil and oceans and the stars. And as you return over and over and over again, to kindness and to space, you may be astonished as you notice your struggle with life falling away on its own.

Be Fully Present with yourself. All of yourself. Open the door of love to all the parts of you that you have closed the door to. For it is in the opening that life happens.

Love to you all.

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