Saturday, March 7, 2015

Day 81: Freedom to Be

A couple nights ago, some of my Kung Fu friends and I were sitting around talking and randomly came up with the idea of dancing at a bar in town on Friday night. Well, Friday night came and we ALL followed through and went dancing!! No one bailed. I think we were all expecting it to fall through and we were all so excited when everyone showed up to Myrna's last night. It was such a random group of people to be grooving at a gay bar together and it was one of the best nights of my life!!! 
I had such an amazing time with such amazing friends! I can't wait to do it again! I'm so thankful.
And I absolutely love Mad Myrna's as a bar. I love that there are so many different types of people there, expressing themselves in ways that feels good to them. There is so much freedom and lack of judgement in that bar. I had a deeply wonderful conversation with a person named Caitlin and it was their first time out in drag and I was so honored that, in the middle of a bar, we could have a truly connected conversation about how much kindness they were receiving from complete strangers. So much acceptance. We all just want to be loved for our silly ways. We all just want to love who we feel called to love. 
I found myself spinning around the dance floor many, many times last night smiling and connecting with so many different people and each time we would share a smile of acceptance my heart grew even bigger. Last night was a beautiful display of Total Acceptance. . . And I awoke this morning with a happy love-filled heart. 

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