Thursday, April 30, 2015

Day 95: For the Love of Sun


Waking up to a day that is glowing with sun makes my heart so very happy! Anchorage can be pretty cloudy and I think it makes me appreciate the sun even more than I already did. It amazes me how that glowing orb in the sky can impact our moods so effectively! It's hard to be bummed when the sun is beaming down, warming our skin, and causing all kinds of cones in our eyes to register the release of hormones. Ha!
There is so much in this life I don't understand. The inner workings of our brains and bodies and how cell phones even work... But without understanding it, I know that the sunshine makes me feel great, on a deep internal level. It feels like something in my soul relaxes and lets go in a way that only the glorious sun can create. 
May your day be filled with sunshine and working cell phones. ;)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Invisible Power

There is so much that goes on in this life that we do not see or even realize is happening to us! This video is a perfect example of this. What an amazing visual!!! WOW! The fire, water, sand, electricity!! All effected by sound.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Day 94: Losing Hope :)

So I am, once again, going to say something that sounds very backwards. I felt like a weight was lifted off of my chest today when I realized I had lost all hope. Yes, today my happy moment came when I looked at myself in the reflection of a computer screen and said, "Damn it. I still have hope. That suuuuucks," and I felt like I was slapped in the face. Why would hope cause me to react in a way of disappointment?!? On this never ending quest for, um, growth (?) I had to dive head first into that question. (Cause let's be real here, for those of you who know me, I dive head first into everything except a pool).

As I sat there in disbelief that I had been slapped across the face by a thought, my mind began to say "Warmer! Getting warmer. Yes... go there!" And that is when I realized that hope keeps us stuck. Now I am not saying that in all manners of life this is the case, nothing is 100%. When it's more a fleeting thought or not much is attached to it, hope could be a fine thing to throw in. And yes, hope may be a comfort at times, but it is no way empowering. I am testing for my first patch in Kung Fu tomorrow (it's a patch system, not a belt system) and I was thinking to myself, if I were sitting here now hoping that I pass my test tomorrow, I would absolutely feel anxious. (Thankfully, I have worked my butt off and I believe that I will pass it tomorrow. I took the necessary steps, put forth the effort and feel confident. Which, oddly enough, doesn't include room for hope.)

Try it out in your own body. Think of something big that you hope happens. Something that you have a large desire for. You may start to realize that in that thought there is actually space for doubt. It takes away all of your power. It takes this moment and throws us somewhere in the future where something may or may not exist and in that space we feel the lack of what we are hoping for. "I hope someday I'm happy." Whizzzz there you go into the future and in this moment you feel lack. It's like hope is a massive highlighter of what we don't have. When you come back to this moment and think of that same thing you desire and yet, you don't hope for it, ahhhhhh something happens. Did you feel a space being created? By eliminating hope, it opens up space for action. If you want something, do something about it, without hope. Take necessary steps, put forth any effort required, believe that it is possible. Belief in something is empowering. I read this from Lori Deschene, "When you believe something can be better, you take responsibility for creating it, starting in this moment." You're not hoping it will get better somewhere in the future. The entire energy of a possibility changes when you leave hope out of it.

Letting go of hope means letting go of attachment. Attachment to the outcomes. When the attachment to an outcome is released, we find ourselves back in the present moment. And in the present moment, we have the opportunity to actually do something about it, even if the something we are doing is reminding ourselves to let go of any hope.

And yes, ladies and gentlemen, that leaves a smile on this girl's face. I am without hope and, boy, does that feel good! I hope I'm able to keep losing hope. Bwhahahaha! I am going to work hard to remain hope free.   ;)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day 93: Change

"If I continue to believe as I've always believed,
I will continue to act as I have always acted.
If I continue to act as I've always acted,
I will continue to get what I have always gotten." ~Anonymous 

Changing our thoughts, changing our beliefs, changing ourselves is DAMN tough work. It is painful. It is confusing as hell. It is no road for the weary and when on the road it's easy to become weary, very weary. Today was a rough day in my world and as strange as it may sound, my happiness today didn't come with smiles and laughter as it usually does. My happiness came in the depths of sadness, with tears and frowns. I know this may sound absolutely wrong. How can you be happy when you are crying tears of sadness? And it's true. I wasn't feeling happy, in that moment. But I was happy to have a friend near by who never shuns away from my tears. Who doesn't balk when my over active feelings start pouring out of my eyes. In my sadness, there could be found happiness. Maybe that is the paradox of life?  

Bob Said It . . .

“If she’s amazing, she won’t be easy. If she’s easy, she won’t be amazing. If she’s worth it, you won’t give up. If you give up, you’re not worthy.” Bob Marley

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Day 92: Best Friendom

Spending time with friends is one of the greatest ways to be Happy. =~}
Great walk, great food, great fire, great laughs, great love. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 91: If We Only Knew

I don't think we always know how deeply we can touch someone's life. Each day we awake and a lot of the times, the days feel the same. I wonder how life would be different if we were able to know how deeply we impact one another. There are big ways that others can show us that we are cared for. . . but most often it's the little things that cause us to feel so very cared for. The little things that touch our hearts the most. And in those moments, we don't usually express how much we appreciate the act. We smile. We feel our heart smile. And we carry on in our day. 
And more often than not, the person who caused us to feel loved doesn't even realize how deeply their gesture impacted us. 

My day was filled with many of these moments and I am truly happy to have my heart touched so sweetly by ones who may not even have realized how often they caused my heart to smile today. <3

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Day 90: Receiving

Today I am happy to have people in my life that trust me enough to allow me to practice what I learn... I've taken numerous cranial classes and have learned and re-learned mouth work at every class. . . I finally got to the point (this past weekend) where I realized how incredibly beneficial this work is for everyone! There are so many muscles in our face and neck connected to our mouths and so much relaxation and tension release can happen when receiving mouth work. I am so thankful for all the people who are showing up on my table allowing me to put a glove on and put my fingers in their mouth. I know it sounds funny but it is amazing to receive this work. And once again it's amazing to be trusted and allowed to practice this incredible work. Hugs to all who you! 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Day 89: Wide Open

Oh boy! Taking CranialSacral (CST) level 3, again this week. WOWZA!  This work is so incredibly amazing. Such amazing insights and so much healing. I feel like my heart gets exploded wide open during each 4 day class. Each one is so unique and so profound in its own ways. It's so hard to describe in words what takes place during a class, but I know that my soul grows and expands each and every time. I am filled to overflowing with sincere gratitude.

I was sitting at lunch today with one of my favorite people and she pointed something out. (Isn't it funny how our friends can bring things to our attention that we don't even realize? Gotta love friends!)

She pointed out that starting back in September 2013, I took CST2 in September - I retook CST2 in May (2014) - then I took CST3 in Sept - and took CST4 in Feb (of this year) - I am re-taking CST3 right now - and am signed up to re-take CST4 in June.  OMG! No wonder my world feels like it's been on the fast track for the past 2 years. One class of CST will shift shit around and I will have taken 6 in a year and a half. I just can't get enough. I'm a cranial junkie. haha

For anyone out there who hasn't received this work, go try it! There are practitioners around the world and definitely some in your area. ( has a list of practitioners to search). ;)

It's the most relaxing, rewarding, insightfully subtle and profound thing you'll do.   :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Day 88: Surprises

I am sooooo stoked right now!!!  I am not very good at surprises... I get so dang excited when I have something for someone that I ALWAYS give it away. ALWAYS. I'm not even good at Christmas present giving because I can't wait for the present to be opened. I'm sure it's a real drag for people on the receiving end of the surprise and it's usually kind of a bummer for me too, because if I could just hold my horses, then actually creating the surprise would be an even better feeling...... AND today I was able to DO JUST THAT!! And I am soooo proud of myself for being able to pull it off. Hip Hip Hooray!!!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Day 87: Great Reminder

Yowza! What a great reminder! We can get so caught up with day to day life... And a lot of the time what is immediately in front of us doesn't depict what we wish was going on. We think and strive and dream about the future... "Some day __________"... But fact of the matter is, the future comes to us one day at a time. Each step we take is taking us towards what we want or away from it. Each day we get to choose. And while some days can be so disheartening and it feels like we'll never get where we want to go. . . The only way we will get where we want to go is one day at a time. One foot in front of the other. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Day 86: Appreciation

This never gets old. Moose in the yard in the morning! :)

I have lived in Alaska for over 4 years now... (Gasp!) and as a lot of you know, it is a love/dislike relationship... I spent 2 years desperately trying to make an escape and last fall I decided that I would try living here without any desire to leave, to see what it felt like....
When we stop looking at the things we don't like about life (or about a person or a situation) it frees up a lot of space to see what we do like. I can honestly say that I like living in Alaska now and when I stopped trying to get out of here, I settled into appreciating what IS here. Today Mama and Baby moose remind me why it's special here. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Day 85: Lucky

Sometimes life can be pretty damn confusing. Anyone else agree? Sometimes it feels like I get stuck, thinking the same confusing thoughts, trying (sometimes desperately!) to figure out a solution. Around and around and around I go... And then there are my friends, who show up time and again to listen to me repeat my woes. I sometimes wonder why they don't just tell me to buzz off. They listen and offer wonderful advice and then listen some more and I catch myself thinking how damn lucky I am to have people in my life who love me enough to listen to my rambling thoughts, showing me that that care by showing up (time and again). And even if I have no solution at the end of it all, I feel loved. And that makes life a little less confusing and totally worth it. :)