Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Day 93: Change

"If I continue to believe as I've always believed,
I will continue to act as I have always acted.
If I continue to act as I've always acted,
I will continue to get what I have always gotten." ~Anonymous 

Changing our thoughts, changing our beliefs, changing ourselves is DAMN tough work. It is painful. It is confusing as hell. It is no road for the weary and when on the road it's easy to become weary, very weary. Today was a rough day in my world and as strange as it may sound, my happiness today didn't come with smiles and laughter as it usually does. My happiness came in the depths of sadness, with tears and frowns. I know this may sound absolutely wrong. How can you be happy when you are crying tears of sadness? And it's true. I wasn't feeling happy, in that moment. But I was happy to have a friend near by who never shuns away from my tears. Who doesn't balk when my over active feelings start pouring out of my eyes. In my sadness, there could be found happiness. Maybe that is the paradox of life?  

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