Saturday, April 11, 2015

Day 89: Wide Open

Oh boy! Taking CranialSacral (CST) level 3, again this week. WOWZA!  This work is so incredibly amazing. Such amazing insights and so much healing. I feel like my heart gets exploded wide open during each 4 day class. Each one is so unique and so profound in its own ways. It's so hard to describe in words what takes place during a class, but I know that my soul grows and expands each and every time. I am filled to overflowing with sincere gratitude.

I was sitting at lunch today with one of my favorite people and she pointed something out. (Isn't it funny how our friends can bring things to our attention that we don't even realize? Gotta love friends!)

She pointed out that starting back in September 2013, I took CST2 in September - I retook CST2 in May (2014) - then I took CST3 in Sept - and took CST4 in Feb (of this year) - I am re-taking CST3 right now - and am signed up to re-take CST4 in June.  OMG! No wonder my world feels like it's been on the fast track for the past 2 years. One class of CST will shift shit around and I will have taken 6 in a year and a half. I just can't get enough. I'm a cranial junkie. haha

For anyone out there who hasn't received this work, go try it! There are practitioners around the world and definitely some in your area. ( has a list of practitioners to search). ;)

It's the most relaxing, rewarding, insightfully subtle and profound thing you'll do.   :)

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