Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Appreciation Quest Begins

I am on a quest to seek out copious amounts of moments to feel appreciation. This will be different than my 100 days of Happiness. . . I am training myself to seek out thoughts that accompany good feelings. 

Today was exceptionally easy to feel appreciation. A friend asked me to go for a walk with her and although all I wanted to do was take a nap, I remembered that it's summer time in Alaska and we don't sleep til winter here. So I rallied and met up with her and her kiddo. 

As we started off the walk, I was given a flower from this cutie. Talk about makin a gal feel special. What a sweetheart. 
We then got to throw rocks in the lake. 
He was pretty awesome at rock throwing. 
I got to be Darth Vadar and play with light sabers! 
I kept asking if we could just hug it out... Silly Sky Lukewalker (as Blake worded it) wanted nothing to do with hugs. 
Easy enough to appreciate that view!
And I am a wildlife lover! We got visited by an adorable musk rat. Soooooo cute!
I had major full belly laughs when Blake kept doing this pose!!! =D
"This is what girls do." 

There is so much joy in our days. It's a matter of seeking to find it. Why go to sleep when you can run and laugh and play? Why feel bad when you can feel good? Why think crummy thoughts when you can think thoughts of appreciation? 

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