Thursday, May 7, 2015

Day 96: Be Deliberate

Being deliberate. That has been my new focus these days, which I plan on continuing it being my focus. Every journey begins with the first few steps and this deliberately focusing journey really launched off last week. I've been toying with this concept for about a solid year now, I guess, and something clicked in me last week that got me choosing to cast this as my main focus. By deliberately choosing my thoughts, I get to be in control of my emotions and how I feel throughout my day. If I start to feel crummy about something, I immediately try to catch myself feeling crummy and then I deliberately choose a new thought. A new thought that causes me to feel good when I think it. For why would I choose to think a thought that makes me feel bad when I can choose a thought that makes me feel good? 
It really is that simple. If I think something like, "oh man, I'm never going to be able to do that. Things like that don't happen in real life. In all my past experiences, it just didn't work out." ... Well gee, that feels crummy. DING! Time for a new thought. "Imagine how great it would feel to be able to do that! Life would be amazing if that worked out! I am looking forward to that happening!" ZING! And just like that. Everything shifted. And all it took was choosing a different thought. 
So by being deliberate every day, this practice will become easier and easier and easier... And all that really boils down to is my days will be more joyful because my thoughts will create feelings of ZINGS! And the thought that each coming day is going to be full of happy thoughts, is a thought that makes me feel happy. HA! It's already working... :D

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