Friday, May 15, 2015

Day 100: 100/100 !! =D

Wow! Today completes 100 posts of Happiness. All those months ago when I decided to begin this 'journey' I really had no idea what I was doing or even why I was doing it. It was just something I decided to do. For a couple days I thought about it and one of my thoughts was, I'm pretty miserable these days, maybe I'll wait til I'm in a better place and happier before I start it.

And like the quote below says, there is never a time in life when we will be ready. Life is lived in the now and moments show up and it's important to just say yes. Ready or not. Because life has a magical way of always working out. 

And well, I want to add my own little spin to this. . . Maybe when we say yes, in that moment we move into the place of Ready. For standing at the starting line, wondering if we can do it, is hesitation. But saying yes and beginning instantly gets you closer to being ready than hesitation does. Making the choice is sometimes the hardest step. Make it anyways. That's the only way you'll actually know. Standing there wondering if you're ready is a great way to have stuff pass you by. 

I am so happy I didn't wait until I was ready to start writing about Happy moments in my day. I choose to begin the Happiness Challenge from a place where I didn't feel ready... And now I'm at day 100 and I am so damn happy I made the decision to just start noticing Happiness.  

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