Thursday, October 30, 2014

Couldn't help myself...

Oh goodnessss.... I am SUCH a sucker for this kind of thing. As I watched this 7 minute video I felt every cell in my body zing around and I sat here with a big silly grin attached to my face.... and THEN I had to share it with everyone here....

Oh geeeeeeezzzz...

I hope it leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzy on the inside with a goofy grin smeared across your face too!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Your Choice

So I'm sure you've all heard this saying before.... and let's be honest, have probably said it to yourself... once. Ok maybe twice... ok ok.... maybe you haven't even counted how many times you've let your self know that there are things in this world that are too good to be true...

But wait a tick! Who came up with that? Really let those words sink in.  Too. Good. To. Be. True.
 Well that just sucks. Who wants to live in a world where if something is so great then that makes it untrue??

And then you've got this:

So... that puts quite the spin on the ol "too good to be true" saying.... because if you believe that to be true, welp You're Right!  And once again I have to ask... who out there wants to live in a world where that is the case?

I know I don't...
So in this quest of Paying Really Really Close Attention To What I Am Thinking, I've decided that:
Now that feels A MILLION times better. You can NEVER have too much of a good thing!?!!  Sign me up to play that game! What a big difference!

But at the end of the day, it's your choice. Which one do you want rolling around in your head?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Real You

Whew! This video got me going tonight. I just HAD to share it with you! Please share it with anyone you feel inspired to share it with!

 It made me feel like this!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Inner Ramblings

Our connections with people throughout life are so interesting to me. There are some people you meet and right away you are like, "Oh man... I don't really care for your energy." (didn't expect that one did ya?)  ;)  Then there are other people you meet and right away you are like, "I could be near you forever and ever!" Some connections are subtle yet quick and linger for a long time. Like, for example, I have some people who (thanks to facebook) I am able to keep in touch with after many many many years. I met a few of these people over 10 years ago and we hung out for only a month and yet seeing their pictures and stories and words on the Book make my heart zing and I truly feel love for them, after allllllll these years of no contact!

Then there are people who become staples in our day to day lives.... until one day they are no longer in our lives. They are in our thoughts, sometimes very regularly, but things change and the connection seems to end.

Some of my favorites (although they also happen to be the most painful) are the connections that are instantaneously magnetic! Bam! Out of now where are you mesmerized by someone and connect on such a deep level. Within days you are sharing stuff with that person about yourself that others who have known you for years don't know. The zinging in the heart is off the charts. You wish the dang smile on your face wasn't so big each time you see them walking towards you and at the end of the encounter you always leave their presence feeling like you're floating. The endings to these connections are the most puzzling to me. I've had a lot of these over the past year or so and the abrupt endings seem to kinda knock me off balance for a bit.

Anyone else know what I'm talking about?

I'm sure we've all heard the saying:
Seems like you never really know which type a person is going to fall into, or which one you'll be in someone else's world...

I do hope that at the end of my life, there is a large picture screen, like a drive in movie... and I'm sitting in the back of a pickup truck with blankets and pillows galore and my Guide or Angel or whatever word you want to use, is sitting there with me and we get to watch my whole existence together. And in the watching of the film, I see why things happened the way they did... What differences were made in lives from our interactions... Why connections between people were as they were... the reasons for all of our interactions.

I guess I just hope that someday it will all make sense.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


The Lunar Eclipse is having its way with me tonight... Was able to fall asleep around 2am and had an INTENSELY difficult dream that woke me at 4:30 and after spending some time in tears, I have been receiving all kinds of inspiration via the interweb and realllllllly wanted to share some of it with you!

"Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach."
— Clarissa Pinkola Estés

This is soo  soo soo very true! Each day we can do something to make the world a better place by brightening the day of people we encounter.  Whoever is within our reach, yeah, notice them.   :)

This article is an amazing read! Eight powerful ways to Empower YourSelf.... Such goooood stuff! Gets me all jittery inside, like I just drank a shot of espresso! Here's your morning coffee, minus the bad breath! 

"And you hear a voice that seems to originate in your belly, speaking a word that repeats, over and over and over until you know you will never again forget your name, your identity, your birthright.
There is a fierce calling-to in the blood that yearns to fullness. Any unattended corner of the soul left in open emptiness craves the satisfaction that comes with knowing one's name. One's true name, given before the edges of time and space, the name that sleeps restlessly in the bones, awaiting the release that comes only with your soul wakening." ~

Ok, ok. That's all you get for now... I think I shall try to drift off to sleep in this mood.

Until next time, stay sweet.

ღ Aloha Ke Akua

Absolutely AMAZING video...

This is one of my all time favorite songs ever....

I hope you enjoy with the vigor and intensity that I do!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


So it just hit me that it has been one month since I was in Connecticut 
(Connect-I-Cut....hmmmmm) finishing up SomatoEmotional Release Level 1.... ONLY one month!?1?!!     It feels like a year has gone by. No wonder I've had a headache for the past 10 days. As I sit here and think about all that has shifted in the short 4 weeks that have passed, my head starts to spin. A lot of friendship changes occurred this month. Two trips to Seattle. Phone calls. Confessions of the heart. Closeness and space created. Big decisions were made and then shifted directions to be made all over again. Intense emotions. Confusion. Elation. Sickness. Health.

Is it just me or do others out there, also, feel like their life is changing at such a rapid pace they can barely keep up??

Tonight is a lunar eclipse. The last lunar eclipse that took place was in April. I was sitting in a truck watching the moon disappear behind the shadow and then re-appear. It took hours. I was in and out of sleep, awaking to see the moon's shape changing before my eyes. It was a strange night. I don't plan on watching the one tonight. Too cold out and it's way to early in the morning here to be out freezing in my car for hours, alone.  I'll watch her with closed eyes and an open heart tonight. 

The moon wields her force and influence by being a luminary. The moon produces no light of her own accord. She is reliant upon the sun’s light to reflect or mirror her image to our earthly eyes. This makes the moon a symbol of subtlety. Clarity, reflection, and intuition are gained by these passive ways.  The moon softly enfolds our attention and beckons us to be still and open. The moon also has the great power of affecting the water here on earth, silently guiding the tides of our oceans. 

I have a feeling this next month is also going to be full of interesting insights and changes. Guess I'll try to sit back and enjoy the ride. Thanks for being with me on this night of reflections over the past month.   :)


Monday, October 6, 2014

Food for Thought

I'm reading a mind-blowing book at the moment called Five Lessons by Neville Goddard. I swear I feel like I am underlining every other sentence! But this one in particular must have struck a BIG heart string because I put the book down and immediately had to Facebook it and then share it with you here.   :)

To one's imagination all things are possible. 

That sentence makes me giddy all over. I mean, if you just read the sentence you're probably thinking, Uhhh, I don't get her excitement...  But really let it sink it. Let it get beyond your judge-o-meter and fall into that space inside that can feel what that sentence is saying. 

We spend a vast majority of our days in Imagination Land. We really do. A lot of our imagination time is spent thinking about things we don't want to happen. Worry. Worry is really just your imagination playing out scenes you don't want to experience. Maybe somebody says something crummy to us and low and behold, we spend the rest of the day replaying that encounter (along with a hundred different ways we could have reacted. If only I woulda said THIS).... Those are all the wild meanderings of our imagination...

Then there are the wonderful 'day dreams' we have where Imagination Land takes on mystical days called Vacations. Sometimes the only thing that gets us through the days at work is dreaming of other days not at work.

But what if... now bare with me here.... what if you are, literally, the creator of all that you see and experience?  That makes all these daily meanderings take on a bit more importance. And the sentence above about ALL things being possible, with the help of our imagination, might seem a bit more exciting then it was before. 

Some of the other important aspects that the book keeps reiterating is the importance of a sleepy state (or another word for it could be meditative state) when we use the power of our imagination. Another splendid sentence from the book is:  Use wisely the interval preceding sleep. Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled and go to sleep in this mood. 

How often do we spend the last few minutes of our days before sleep takes over, thinking about what we have to do tomorrow, or stressing about what didn't get done today, or worrying about this, that, and another? What if that was the MOST important time to be fully present of what you are thinking, and then in that space CHOOSE to think about your deepest desire? And maybe you can't figure out exactly what your deepest desire is... I bet you can figure out how you want to feel. 

What do you think could happen if you spent those last precious moments as you lay in bed, with your eyes closed, feeling your body relaxing and preparing for sleep and you consciously chose to feel happy, joyful, relaxed, successful, loved, at peace?

Hmmmmmmmmmm.....   :)  

To One's Imagination, All Things are Possible!

Sleep sweetly dear ones and dream big

Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Emerald City

I was lucky enough to visit Seattle, again!, last week. One of my previous posts speaks of a huge pull to move there so I was thrilled when an opportunity came up to go back for a whole week to check it out! I drove around to all different areas of town. Did a lot of walking around places to get a feel for certain places. I fell magically in love with the trees there!

Oh my goodness! I think I'd move there just to be close to the most beautiful trees and all the water that flows throughout the city. And that's when I realized, that's really the main reason to move there. Seattle is huge. Huuuuggggeeeeee. There is a A LOT going on there. After one week, I realized that with all the different restaurants, and stores, and bars, and concerts, and people... Seattle has a LOT of distractions. And while it's a super fun pool to jump into for a bit. I wouldn't be happy living there. I may be happy on the surface and around a bunch of fun people and watching awesome concerts and eating all kinds of amazing foods... but when it was time to quiet down and reconnect with me, I would realize that I was just being distracted. 

It was surprisingly refreshing to come back to Anchorage and walk through the itty bitty airport, hope into a car and not stress out about traffic or accidents. Just cruise on home in this sleepy little town (which it feels like compared to bustling Seattle). 

While I was in Seattle, I got an email from Anchorage Yoga stating that I have been accepted into their Yoga Teacher Training that begins in January and ends in April. That was a pretty exciting email. I've been wanting to take a YTT for over 10 years now and it looks like I'm finally going to do it!  

On my flight home, I realized that Dorothy doesn't go to the Emerald City to set up shop and chill. She goes there because that is where she finds out how to get back home. Alaska is home. for now. ;)

I know I whibble wobble back and forth a lot... here, there, squirrel! But I guess that's what keeps life interesting.....  :)