Wednesday, October 8, 2014


The Lunar Eclipse is having its way with me tonight... Was able to fall asleep around 2am and had an INTENSELY difficult dream that woke me at 4:30 and after spending some time in tears, I have been receiving all kinds of inspiration via the interweb and realllllllly wanted to share some of it with you!

"Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach."
— Clarissa Pinkola Estés

This is soo  soo soo very true! Each day we can do something to make the world a better place by brightening the day of people we encounter.  Whoever is within our reach, yeah, notice them.   :)

This article is an amazing read! Eight powerful ways to Empower YourSelf.... Such goooood stuff! Gets me all jittery inside, like I just drank a shot of espresso! Here's your morning coffee, minus the bad breath! 

"And you hear a voice that seems to originate in your belly, speaking a word that repeats, over and over and over until you know you will never again forget your name, your identity, your birthright.
There is a fierce calling-to in the blood that yearns to fullness. Any unattended corner of the soul left in open emptiness craves the satisfaction that comes with knowing one's name. One's true name, given before the edges of time and space, the name that sleeps restlessly in the bones, awaiting the release that comes only with your soul wakening." ~

Ok, ok. That's all you get for now... I think I shall try to drift off to sleep in this mood.

Until next time, stay sweet.

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