Sunday, October 26, 2014

Your Choice

So I'm sure you've all heard this saying before.... and let's be honest, have probably said it to yourself... once. Ok maybe twice... ok ok.... maybe you haven't even counted how many times you've let your self know that there are things in this world that are too good to be true...

But wait a tick! Who came up with that? Really let those words sink in.  Too. Good. To. Be. True.
 Well that just sucks. Who wants to live in a world where if something is so great then that makes it untrue??

And then you've got this:

So... that puts quite the spin on the ol "too good to be true" saying.... because if you believe that to be true, welp You're Right!  And once again I have to ask... who out there wants to live in a world where that is the case?

I know I don't...
So in this quest of Paying Really Really Close Attention To What I Am Thinking, I've decided that:
Now that feels A MILLION times better. You can NEVER have too much of a good thing!?!!  Sign me up to play that game! What a big difference!

But at the end of the day, it's your choice. Which one do you want rolling around in your head?

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