I'm reading a mind-blowing book at the moment called Five Lessons by Neville Goddard. I swear I feel like I am underlining every other sentence! But this one in particular must have struck a BIG heart string because I put the book down and immediately had to Facebook it and then share it with you here. :)
To one's imagination all things are possible.
That sentence makes me giddy all over. I mean, if you just read the sentence you're probably thinking, Uhhh, I don't get her excitement... But really let it sink it. Let it get beyond your judge-o-meter and fall into that space inside that can feel what that sentence is saying.
We spend a vast majority of our days in Imagination Land. We really do. A lot of our imagination time is spent thinking about things we don't want to happen. Worry. Worry is really just your imagination playing out scenes you don't want to experience. Maybe somebody says something crummy to us and low and behold, we spend the rest of the day replaying that encounter (along with a hundred different ways we could have reacted. If only I woulda said THIS).... Those are all the wild meanderings of our imagination...
Then there are the wonderful 'day dreams' we have where Imagination Land takes on mystical days called Vacations. Sometimes the only thing that gets us through the days at work is dreaming of other days not at work.
But what if... now bare with me here.... what if you are, literally, the creator of all that you see and experience? That makes all these daily meanderings take on a bit more importance. And the sentence above about ALL things being possible, with the help of our imagination, might seem a bit more exciting then it was before.
Some of the other important aspects that the book keeps reiterating is the importance of a sleepy state (or another word for it could be meditative state) when we use the power of our imagination. Another splendid sentence from the book is: Use wisely the interval preceding sleep. Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled and go to sleep in this mood.
How often do we spend the last few minutes of our days before sleep takes over, thinking about what we have to do tomorrow, or stressing about what didn't get done today, or worrying about this, that, and another? What if that was the MOST important time to be fully present of what you are thinking, and then in that space CHOOSE to think about your deepest desire? And maybe you can't figure out exactly what your deepest desire is... I bet you can figure out how you want to feel.
What do you think could happen if you spent those last precious moments as you lay in bed, with your eyes closed, feeling your body relaxing and preparing for sleep and you consciously chose to feel happy, joyful, relaxed, successful, loved, at peace?
Hmmmmmmmmmm..... :)

To One's Imagination, All Things are Possible!
Sleep sweetly dear ones and dream big
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