Tuesday, October 7, 2014


So it just hit me that it has been one month since I was in Connecticut 
(Connect-I-Cut....hmmmmm) finishing up SomatoEmotional Release Level 1.... ONLY one month!?1?!!     It feels like a year has gone by. No wonder I've had a headache for the past 10 days. As I sit here and think about all that has shifted in the short 4 weeks that have passed, my head starts to spin. A lot of friendship changes occurred this month. Two trips to Seattle. Phone calls. Confessions of the heart. Closeness and space created. Big decisions were made and then shifted directions to be made all over again. Intense emotions. Confusion. Elation. Sickness. Health.

Is it just me or do others out there, also, feel like their life is changing at such a rapid pace they can barely keep up??

Tonight is a lunar eclipse. The last lunar eclipse that took place was in April. I was sitting in a truck watching the moon disappear behind the shadow and then re-appear. It took hours. I was in and out of sleep, awaking to see the moon's shape changing before my eyes. It was a strange night. I don't plan on watching the one tonight. Too cold out and it's way to early in the morning here to be out freezing in my car for hours, alone.  I'll watch her with closed eyes and an open heart tonight. 

The moon wields her force and influence by being a luminary. The moon produces no light of her own accord. She is reliant upon the sun’s light to reflect or mirror her image to our earthly eyes. This makes the moon a symbol of subtlety. Clarity, reflection, and intuition are gained by these passive ways.  The moon softly enfolds our attention and beckons us to be still and open. The moon also has the great power of affecting the water here on earth, silently guiding the tides of our oceans. 

I have a feeling this next month is also going to be full of interesting insights and changes. Guess I'll try to sit back and enjoy the ride. Thanks for being with me on this night of reflections over the past month.   :)


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