Monday, October 13, 2014

Inner Ramblings

Our connections with people throughout life are so interesting to me. There are some people you meet and right away you are like, "Oh man... I don't really care for your energy." (didn't expect that one did ya?)  ;)  Then there are other people you meet and right away you are like, "I could be near you forever and ever!" Some connections are subtle yet quick and linger for a long time. Like, for example, I have some people who (thanks to facebook) I am able to keep in touch with after many many many years. I met a few of these people over 10 years ago and we hung out for only a month and yet seeing their pictures and stories and words on the Book make my heart zing and I truly feel love for them, after allllllll these years of no contact!

Then there are people who become staples in our day to day lives.... until one day they are no longer in our lives. They are in our thoughts, sometimes very regularly, but things change and the connection seems to end.

Some of my favorites (although they also happen to be the most painful) are the connections that are instantaneously magnetic! Bam! Out of now where are you mesmerized by someone and connect on such a deep level. Within days you are sharing stuff with that person about yourself that others who have known you for years don't know. The zinging in the heart is off the charts. You wish the dang smile on your face wasn't so big each time you see them walking towards you and at the end of the encounter you always leave their presence feeling like you're floating. The endings to these connections are the most puzzling to me. I've had a lot of these over the past year or so and the abrupt endings seem to kinda knock me off balance for a bit.

Anyone else know what I'm talking about?

I'm sure we've all heard the saying:
Seems like you never really know which type a person is going to fall into, or which one you'll be in someone else's world...

I do hope that at the end of my life, there is a large picture screen, like a drive in movie... and I'm sitting in the back of a pickup truck with blankets and pillows galore and my Guide or Angel or whatever word you want to use, is sitting there with me and we get to watch my whole existence together. And in the watching of the film, I see why things happened the way they did... What differences were made in lives from our interactions... Why connections between people were as they were... the reasons for all of our interactions.

I guess I just hope that someday it will all make sense.

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