Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 69: Active Thinking

We spend sooooooo much time thinking! (Does it ever really stop?) When we start paying attention to the thoughts we ARE thinking, now that is when shifts can happen. I've been very actively paying attention to my thoughts for months now. Being very picky about which thoughts I'll let repeat in my head...
And as my external life is starting to match my internal thoughts from the previous months of Active Thinking, I am finding myself filled with amazement of what unfolds before my eyes in my days! 
When we start to live the life we dream of (and by dream, I mean THINK of)... we might find ourselves thinking, "This can't be real? Do I deserve this?? This can't last." And at that exact moment we have to make a choice.... And the choice is to CHANGE those thoughts back to the ones we want to have happen in our lives! We are so scared to say YES to ourselves... Yes to accepting wonderful things to happen to us... Yes to the dreams we want to experience! 
We need to get out of our own way and keep thinking of the life we want and then ALLOW into our reality!!  
Open up and welcome your dream into your every day... Then be prepared to be Amazed 

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