Friday, February 13, 2015

Day 73: Itaska Love

Today I got to eat lunch in a t-shirt and have the warmth of the glorious sun on my skin. I probably looked liked a lizard laying out on a rock basking in the vitamin D. I did make eye contact with a lot of passers by and got a lot of return smiles. :)

Class went great! I connected with two woman and we were a rock star trio. Couldn't ask for anything better! 

Dinner was a delicious meal full of laughter and tales with peeps I haven't seen in 15 years!

And tonight, my friend's roomie is out of town so I have another snuggle buddy!! Itaska, the German Shepard/St Bernard mix. Amazingly cool dog.

Happy, happy, happy!
I'm a big fan of Friday the 13th! Always has been :)

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