Thursday, February 26, 2015


I wonder why we experience nostalgia  ... Sometimes it is triggered by a song, or a comment made by someone, and then sometimes it comes in from out of the blue, and settles on our shoulder. Our eyes get a bit  distant, our minds start to drift, a small smile forms on our lips, a breath fills our lungs, and we slowly exhale. Before we realize it we have drifted into a moment in time, and although we are in this moment, we are transported to that moment. Our mind is filled with a story and our body is swept through with emotion. Sometimes the story before us is long and captivatin. . . and sometimes it goes by very quickly. . . But even as the story fades back to where it came from, we are now left in this moment with a slight longing still hanging in the air. 
Nostalgia is defined as: a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations. 

I'm always amazed when I see anything involving The Wizard of Oz, because it evokes so much nostalgia in me. I wonder often why this movie seems to consistently weave itself throughout my life story. Is there any one else out there so impacted by a movie? I wish I could describe the numerous times and unfathomable ways that this movie appears in my days. I've started to view it as a bit of a Guide Post, or something like that, to point out I'm going the right way. Kinda like a Kudos from "the unknown" or a smile from the angels… It's similar to what the movie Interstellar alluded to. But alas, there are questions in this life that we won't find answers to until we pass on. Hopefully they await us there... 

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