Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 52: Relief

My lungs are in distress today. I haven't coughed like this in my entire life. I laid up in bed all day surrounded by meds, both natural and non, that didn't do a damn thing for any of my symptoms... I am a weird cookie and believe that nearly all of our physical symptoms are emotional issues finding their way into the "spotlight"... especially if meds aren't doing a thing. And based on this past week, I can see why my lungs are having a hard time...
I got invited to go to Bikram today by a dear friend and solely because of that invite, I rallied my lethargic body out of bed and found my way to yoga class... I am so incredibly thankful that I went. It was a whole 90 minutes of no coughing. My lungs absorbed that 105 degree humidity filled air and I could breath again. Morale of the story: My lungs are telling me I must move to Hawaii. Tomorrow.  Ok, ok, ok. Morale of the story: today I was very thankful for just one hour of relief.

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