Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 48: Happy New Year!

Yes, I am a day late.... Better late then never. ;)

I am very happy it is 2015 and a whole new year! I'm not sure I've ever been so happy to begin a new year. I love how each new year holds so much... hmmmm... possibilities! But this year I am substantially more excited because well, to just be frank, last year damn near killed me.... and I have made it to the other side. 365 days (well 364 now...) lay ahead of us....

Days that could, quite possibly, be the best days of our lives, yet! What an exciting thought that is! New memories just waiting for us to catch up to them. New friends, new horizons, new adventures. There are things going to take place during this next year that you and I can't even being to imagine. Wonderful surprises! Magical moments! A billion little things that will make us each smile and laugh. Lessons to learn. People to love.

It's all rather exciting, don't you think?

So here is to gently setting down 2014.... and gracefully walking forward... into 2015... through open doors... with open eyes, open hearts, and open arms... into moments we've yet to create...

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