Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Little Things

I've seen this video floating around for a while now. I even clicked on it once and after a few seconds moved on to something else... (our silly ADD world of a million things to see and do). Today I was tagged on Facebook by a friend, with this video attached and the words "Thanks for the inspiration".
I was, of course, inspired to watch the video now....

I will admit I was in tears at the half way mark. What an absolutely wonderful 3 minutes! I felt so honored to have crossed someone's mind when they saw this. Wow.

This video shows so much truth though. We never truly know how deeply we can touch someone's life, making their world a better place, just by showing up and being there, fully present, in that perfect moment in time. Life is all about the little things. We are given hundreds of opportunities, each and every day, to do something little to make others have a better day... even if it's a simple hello and a smile. Little things add up... with strangers and with loved ones. And what we get out of it, is priceless. The opportunity to Feel. What a beautiful thing.

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