Friday, January 23, 2015

Day 62: It Begins

Today (1/23) I embarked on a new journey of self-cultivation. I started my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training. I have wanted to do a YTT for 12 years... And it is actually happening.

As I sat in the yoga room, surrounded by 20 other students and 4 teachers, I was vibrating from the inside out with excitement! I get so enthused by spiritual endeavors and self-reflection and cultivation. It makes my heart beat faster, my body zing with rushes of tingles from head to toe and I feel like I can't learn fast enough and yet, I never want it to end. 

Tonight (and nearly ever Friday) was 3 hours and tomorrow (along with nearly each Saturday and Sunday til mid April) are 12 hours each day. It's gonna be intense and amazing and my only hope is that it doesn't go by too quickly. I have so many books to read and so much to integrate and, and, and.... Breathe. Just breathe. In and out. In and out. 

Namasté everyone. :)

The Divine in me honors the Divine in you

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