Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day 62: Poof!

Do you ever have days where you wake up on the proverbial "wrong side of the bed"? How does that even happen? Well- today was one of those days for me. I had to drag my unhappy ass out of bed and growl and moan my way to Kung Fu class. I'm sure I had a lovely scowl on my face the entire 15 minute drive and slouched my way into the building. As soon as I rounded the corner and saw a familiar Fu friend, I forgot all about my grouchiness. *Poof* Just like that. 

Then one friend after the next, after the next, after the next showed up and I was in a fit of giggles in no time. They even convinced me to show up for the second class in the afternoon... I couldn't believe I agreed to two Fu classes back to back.... and once again, as I rounded the corner and saw my familiar faced friends, knowing we were all worked from morning class, I was so pumped to be there again. Surrounded by awesome people, with upbeat energy, all ready to work out and encourage each other. I'm already looking forward to Thursday Double Fu Day.  :)

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