Saturday, January 17, 2015

What then?

What if you slept
And what if
In your sleep
You dreamed
And what if
In your dream
You went to heaven
And there plucked a strange and beautiful flower
And what if
When you awoke
You had that flower in your hand
Ah, what then?”
~Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Complete Poems

This poem always gets me thinking.... Our life is a constant experience of figuring out what we want and what we don't want to experience. I like this. I don't like that. I want more of this. I don't want to do that ever again...   But how often, throughout our lives, are we given exactly what we have been asking for and it shows up in our awareness and it scares us! And we quickly shut the door, turn away from it, and walk back into the space where we wonder why life isn't giving us what we are wanting? So very often, we are given exactly what we ask for and we are too terrified to say Yes and welcome our gift into our experience. 

Sometimes I feel like we are so scared of actually getting what we want. I think this poem has a beautiful way of posing that question for us to actually ponder it... What would you do if your dream came true? Would you have the courage to actually live it?

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