Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Day 47: Friends

Well, when I wrote my post yesterday I was praising technology for its ability to make one feel loved... I had no idea today would bring in such a opposite effect! Today I received a big dose of 'gut punching' news via text and very easily could have allowed that news to infiltrate my day... And while it still weaves its torturing self throughout my thoughts, tonight I will reflect on how happy I am to have amazing friends when shit hits the fan. Friends who offer amazing hugs and safe spaces for tears to fall... tears I didn't think I'd allow to come... words escaped my lips I hadn't spoken aloud. Friends who offer silent support when they know you're doing your best to keep smiling... Ready to be a shoulder if words need to be shared and just as ready to allow a distraction if that is what is needed. Friends who make random stops when headed home from their work to help a gal out, even if the stop was unsuccessful.  Friends who call just to check in. Friends who have mac and cheese ready so the evening doesn't have to be spent alone. Friends who held space without even realizing their presence was grounding and so appreciated.
Life's always gonna cause waves. Thank you to all my friends who anchored my boat to help it from capsizing  this afternoon... and allowing me to fall asleep tonight feeling supported and loved. 

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