Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day 29 Small Stuff

Day 29/100 of Happy

Sometimes it's the small things in life that create so much happiness... actually often it's the small things in life that we just don't give enough credit to. But I guess that is what this Happy Awareness thing is all about. It makes you pay attention to things that make you happy and often it's the littlest of things.

I'm a total sucker for thoughtfulness. Like "Ice or no ice in your water?"  or "Let me get that door for you" or "I know you like honey, would you want that or syrup?" or someone taking a split second out of their day to give you a compliment. A random smile from a stranger. Telling someone your head is hurting and a few moments later they come back with something to help it. When someone takes time out of their day to send you an email or a text saying "I'm thinking of you" (We often use a variety of different words to express that simple fact-- you crossed my mind and I am sharing it with you by sending this silly sentence which has the underlying message of "i care about you").

Being a massage therapist, I spend my days caring for others. I would have it no other way. I absolutely love taking care of others. Maybe that is why I am such a sap for being taken care of.

I think we all have a place in our hearts that fluctuates from full to empty and that is based on how well we are cared for, by ourselves and by others. We have to charge that battery of ours to keep it going so we can help others. When a person does something thoughtful for me, I can literally feel that little reservoir in my heart start to fill up...

So many little moments we let slip by... unless we choose to hold on to them and we take that split second Moment of Caring from Someone and make it a moment that can last for days, allowing it to continually charge up our reservoirs.

Pay attention today and see if you can take a Moment of Caring from Someone and stretch it out beyond that few seconds in time... see if you can feel that little meter in your heart rise up.   :)

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