Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 36: Unity

I truly enjoy the camaraderie that is starting to really take form in my kung fu class. It's taken a bit to really become noticeable but over the past couple weeks, a shift is definitely occurring. It is always so nice to walk into a room and feel genuinely greeted by others, especially when that room is where you're going to get your ass kicked! :)

I definitely find it intriguing how each unique energy brings a new dynamic to the class. I feel like we're starting to know each others strengths and weaknesses. In a martial arts class, one might expect there to be a lot of competition... I find it extremely refreshing that in this group, that isn't the case. We are becoming aware of each person's weaknesses and it seems like the group, as a whole, is supportive opposed to competitive. Last week I noticed that there were significant chunks of time where it felt like we were all moving as one unit. The energy in the room felt very unified and cohesive. On certain days, it seems like if one of us is having a really sluggish, rough class, we all are. Is it possible that our energies are synching up and we all arrive to class in a depleted energy state, even though our lives are all very different outside of class? I don't know...

I'm not sure I have ever experienced a group dynamic like this before. I don't know if it's a martial arts thing or if it just happens to be this particular group of personalities that have migrated to the same space and time each week, but I am really enjoying it.

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