Thursday, December 11, 2014

Day 32/100 Kung Fooey!

Today I had an extra long Kung Fu class... Instead of 1.5 hours, it was 3 hours long!!  Not gonna lie, I was a bit anxious about how I would hold up. A buddy in class told me that since today was the final, I would be graded on how hard I worked from the very beginning. "Don't take it easy because it's a 3 hour class. Give it your all starting at minute 1." Crap.

So starting with minute 1, I was determined to do the best I could until the last minute ticked by. It's amazing what a determined mindset will give you. I did better in this class then I've done in any other. I didn't rest during the 150+ leg lifts, I finished first in the sprints at the end of the 'warm up', and I had a blast during the sparring and take down exercises. The three hours flew by and at the end, I was bummed it was over. I think some endorphins musta kicked in on hour 2.5 as well, because I have been full of energy and happiness the reminder of the day and I wish all the class could be 3 hours long. 

What is happening to me?!?!?? Hahahaha!

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