Sunday, December 7, 2014

21-28 Days

I am totally slacking here! Eeeeeks! Here's another quick update on the 100 Days of Happy...

Day 21/100 of Happy...

Sometimes in life there are unexpected moments of peace, like you are being hugged by an all encompassing presence.

There are no words capable of expressing the gratitude I feel today. There is only love.<3

Day 22/100...
Sleeping in! Oh gosh it feels amazing to sleep in. Waking up and thinking, "ah, I can go back to sleep".... Happy happy happy

I have been pushing myself pretty damn hard lately... so much Fu, and Yoga, and Dancing, and Running.... Sleep has been getting a backseat and MAN did it feel good to catch up....

Day 23/100... Happy
Interstellar = Mind BLOWN!!!!!!!!!

This movie seriously left me speechless... I wound up taking my mom and brother to it two days later. I have never been able to watch a 3 hour movie practically two days in a row and not get bored the second time through. I could go on and on about this movie but I reallllly don't want to wreck it for anyone who hasn't seen it. GO SEE IT!  :)

Day 24/100 of happiness
Authenticity. There is something wonderful about being around people who are truly themselves. No explanations, no masks, no excuses. There is a comfort that shows up when you are around someone who is completely comfortable with who they are and has no trouble showing that to the world. It is such a gift.

Day 25/100 of happiness...
I heard from my good friend Travis this morning and it made me happy! ... Even though he work me up by calling at 4am. True Travis Brown style.... Nothing's changed after all these years.....  :)

Day 26/100....
The love from a dog is unlike anything else. It doesn't even have to be your own dog, either. Pure, open, unconditional love from a random dog along a hiking trail lifts my already happy mood. Sometimes I wish we greeted other humans the way we can greet a dog.
There I was, hiking along a trail and up ahead I see a big fluffy black dog bounding towards me. I immediately stoop to my knees and welcome this big beautiful creature into my arms and smile and giggle and receive all kinds of love and happiness back.

Day 27/100 of happiness...
A friend let me use his Thermacare Heat Wrap before Kung Fu today, because it didn't fit him, and it was like a long consistent hug!!! I can't believe I've lived in AK all these years and haven't used these bad boys. So warm and cozy! Makes life better. I was so bummed when it ran out of heat. It was like my hug turned off.
Day 28/100 of Happiness...
Unexpected re-connections. People in our lives are constantly shifting, moving closer and further as if with the tide. It's always a nice surprise when a quiet connection with someone is opened again... Even if it's brief.
Sometimes it can feel like two ships in the night... But that momentary re-connection is sometimes all we need.

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