Friday, December 19, 2014

Day 39: Lesson Learned

Since I've been in the "Get out of my Comfort Zone" mode for however long now... I figured I'd give something else a go. Today I decided to give morning yoga a try. Let's back up... So last night, I went and had tea with a friend. Yes, it was herbal tea with zero caffeine because I act like a crack head when I drink caffeinated beverages. The conversation was light and fun and while asking for a refill on hot water, the tea guy (?) jumped in on the bubbly convo and pulled us right into a trap! He was hell bent on making us 3 samples of green tea, "to expand your horizons and leave you with an unforgettable experience in a cup of tea"... Who could turn that down?? And let's be honest, we don't always make the best choices in the middle of a Fun High... so when Caleb (the tea guy (?)) brought out three different cups of green tea, I willing had my share of tastings... Yes- I was up til at least 2:30 this morning and had already planned my early morning yoga excursion. 

I am proud to say I actually did get up this morning! I forced myself, begrudgingly, out of bed and walked my sleepy butt into a delicious 105 degree room. 90 minutes later, I was convinced that 8pm yoga is really my cup of tea ;)

I had just enough time to scarf down a cup of oatmeal before heading to Kung Fu class... I quickly realized that my usual order of Fu in the noontime and yoga at night was definitely the way to go... too friggin late now! Class was brutal. My body was freezing. My muscles were defiant. My stomach was starving. The Beast was not satiated by my meager attempt with the oatmeal. Never, ever a good thing. It was a rough class.

I am so happy to be curled up in bed with rest and recuperation in my immediate future. Sometimes happiness is falling into bed... after a long day of doing things in the wrong order. Lesson learned! 

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