So last night, my co-worker and amazing massage therapist, Sherri mentioned something to me about something called "Access Bars" and she didn't know much of anything about it except a client of hers had mentioned it and there was a class on this being taught today at 10am... and for some reason (that I still can't understand) I decided that it sounded like something I would want to go to with her...???? So I went to my mom's for dinner last night and mentioned that I was thinking of taking a class on "the bars" to her and my mom and I googled it and found a little bit of information and yet, my mom was like, "Yeah, I think I want to go tomorrow also." ????
So at 8:30 this morning I call my mom and in a groggy voice (because it is way before 11am), I asked, "So are we really going to this weird thing??" and she said (in an equally groggy before 11am voice), "I don't know. You decide." Ugggghhh... "I have no idea why but let's go. Pick me up in 45 minutes." So we head to the address and it's a damn good thing that we ran into Sherri in the parking lot because I would have told my mom to keep on driving...
The class was being held at Affordable Burial and Cremation.
OMG?!?!? WTF?!?!?!
I have to be honest. It took me a good 3 hours to set down my judgements and get past the fact that this class was being held at a cremation station. My mom and I could NOT stop laughing at the sheer oddness of our day. The night before we had never even heard of this and now we are taking a class to learn this protocol with caskets in the adjoining room! BWHAHAHAHA! :D
But by the end of the day, I was super thrilled I took the class. I think my mom got a lot of healing from the protocols and I learned a new technique to do to any clients who would like to receive Access Consciousness- The Bars.
Some days are full of one surprise after the next.... And if we can just keep moving forward and actively suspend judgements (even in a cremation station massage technique class) we will often find something magical is on the other side of judgement.

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