Saturday, December 27, 2014

Mind Blown

Today I took a spontaneous class called Access Consciousness- The Bars.  Yeah, it sounds kinda strange but makes a lot of sense after taking the class and receive The Bars protocol. I'm laying in bed reading the manual we were given written by Gary M. Douglas (the founder) and I really felt inspired by some of the things I read and wanted to share them with you!

First off, I read the following sentence and immediately had to stop reading and create a sign for myself, to hang on my wall next, to my door so I will see each and every day that I walk out of my room:

What if today could be the beginning of something different?

Wow! That is ALWAYS a possibility but now I will be bringing it to my attention every day... and by having it in my awareness I will be looking for things to be different... and where our attention goes, things follow.

Once I attached my spinning brain back into its designated location in my head, I continued reading... only to be spun up again!

We can actually be the kindness towards us that we always hoped someone else would be willing to be towards us. When you're willing to be it for you, when you're willing to demand it for you, the world follows suit.

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