Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Day 42: Blessed

Today (and many, many other days) my happiness happened when I walked into "work". Yes, I have to put silly ol' quotation marks around that word because work has such a negative connotation.  "Ugh, I have to go into work." That is such a common phrase. I do not feel like I "work".  I get to spend my hours massaging people and making others feel relaxed, recharged, and happier. What a gift! And on top of that I get to do that at a wonderful place, full of wonderful people. I am so lucky that I get to walk into "work" and am greeted (every, single time) with smiles and hugs. Sometimes, I'm extra lucky and it takes me extra long to get back to my room to set my stuff down because there is a Hug Train. I don't know many individuals that get hugged by every co-worker each time they get to work... and at the end of a day (busy or not) every one is hugged good-bye. And get this! The hugs and smiles are sincere... no kidding. Genuine hugs hello and goodbye.

I am one lucky, lucky kiddo to be welcomed, so wholeheartedly, into the Collins' world. That is fo sho!

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