Wednesday, November 12, 2014

10 out of 100... Happiness Challenge

Each evening I sit myself down in front of this computer and I go like this, "hmmmmm what was my happy moment today????" It usually takes me a good 15 minutes to figure out what the heck to write about. It's like I mentioned yesterday. There may be a lot of happy moments through out the day but figuring out why they were 'happy' and then summoning the words to express it, well, it's sometimes quite the challenge. I mean, I kinda laugh a lot (for those of you who know me... you'd agree, right???)... but picking a moment of laughter throughout my day and explaining why I was laughing takes things to a whole new level.... And then there is the realization that not every happy moment involves laughter. There are all kinds of levels of happiness. Gee... am I taking this too far??

Oh well....   :)

Yesterday (yes, I promise my happy moment of the day wasn't from yesterday. I get that negates the point of 100 days of happiness... just bear with me)... at the end of Kung Fu class, Shifu said something along the lines of, "When your body is completely exhausted and you are feeling utter fatigue, that is when you find out how strong you really are."

I woke up this morning with those words rattling around in my head and they have bounced around in my mind all day. (I've also had two very awesome songs stuck in my head all day too... Only Love by Ben Howard and Unsteady by X Ambassadors for those of you who are interested) :)

There is something in that phrase above that brings me deep happiness (ahh, and that's where the levels of happiness comes in, see what happened there?), profound peace, and a sense of power. At the end of any struggle, our greatest moment is when we get to look back at what we went through and we realize, I had the ability to keep going, even when all odds were against me and I didn't think I could make it, when everything in me was exhausted beyond reason, something in me kept going. 

We are always getting stronger.

I made myself go to hot yoga tonight... the 95 degree room felt like a welcomed hug when I first walked in... by 9:15 I was a pile of sweat. (Ironically I sweat way more in 95 degree classes then 105 degree classes... odd fact of the day???? Maybe I'll start that challenge come day 101 of this challenge... )... I digress...  There were a lot of moments with my eyes full of sweat and my muscles quivering when I was so thankful to have that thought rattling around... when you are feeling utter fatigue (and your eyes and ears are full of sweat), this is when you find out how strong you really are...

 You're welcome to let that thought rattle around in your brain tomorrow. Let me know how it goes.  :)

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