Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Day Nine

Day 9/100.... Happiness... 11/11 (my favorite day of the year!)

Today was a big day, well, for me. As I sat down to write my daily Happy commentary, I had zero idea how to actually express my happiness today. A client asked me today why I decided to do this and I told her the truth. I was typing it out on Facebook before I even knew what I was doing. I even thought to myself, "Well, crap. Now I have to follow through for the next 100 days. Great."  I also explained to her that initially I was focusing on things I was thankful for, and realized that being thankful and feeling happy (although usually fall in the same space) are actually two different emotions. It's been an interesting week and a half of actively focusing on moments where I am happy. That specific emotion... and then I have to communicate what it is I am happy about. Not always the easiest of tasks... which is a great segue into my Happy Ramble of the Day:

Communication. There is something so wonderful, to me, about people taking the time to talk through a misunderstanding. Life is full of feelings (big ones, small ones, fun ones, icky ones)... Life can get messy and confusing, sometimes way more often than we would like! It's always so sad to me when things get a bit cattywhompus and instead of talking about what's gone astray, things just end. I don't like to use the word confrontation, so I'll use the word approach instead. When there is a moment in life when feelings are high and things get off track, I like to approach that situation to seek perspective. I believe that is when really big growth happens, for each person involved. Does it take time and energy to sit down and express yourself and then fully listen to another person and consciously seek to understand them? Heck yeah, it does. But I find it is so so so worth it.

I find enormous happiness in approaching a cattywhompus situation and finding the other person is meeting me half way to talk things through. I already feel like things will be successful when the other person shows up in the middle. I can't talk a misunderstanding out all by myself. The other person always has to show up too. And gee, when they do, we're already half way to a resolution! When both parties show up, magic happens.  It makes life all the more juicy and delicious. Seeking to understand the other person's point of view can always bring an inner peace and a closeness that feels so much better than wondering what could have been....

Today I was lucky enough to be met half way by someone and that makes me very, very happy.  :) 

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