Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Three it is

Day 3 of 100....

Whew, when I first started this inspired idea (only 3 short days ago), I honestly had no idea how challenging it would be. Granted, my days have been a bit off recently which, I guess, made it the perfect time to start. Laying here in bed, rolling through my day, I pull out all the memories where happiness was hanging out... and once again, they can nearly all be found when I am in contact (via person or text) with my amazing friends. I am humbled by the support group that I have, at all hours of the day or night willing to pick me up, make me laugh, and even call me on my shit. It is truly, truly a blessing.

I am trying not to be redundant and actually come up with a unique happy moment for each 100 days and in that spirit, I would say my next most happiest moment included receiving a massage today! Oh mannnnnnnnn! My body was so sore after yesterday's incredibly strenuous class. I awoke with muscles I've never felt before hollering at me.... I felt miserable and like any attempt to move was going to result in failure. I awoke in a crummy mental place too, feeling plain icky.  :(

I was so incredibly fortunate to get a massage today and am honestly amazed at how much better my muscles feel. I know it sounds silly... I mean, I am a massage therapist and continuously see people with aching bodies (for many different reasons) but I guess it has been a long time since I received a massage with my body in that state and it left me shocked at how effective a massage can be! I find myself giggling out loud at how silly that realization is... and that confirms that it was a good call to give a shout out to massage for Day 3 of Happiness.  :)

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