Friday, November 7, 2014

Day 5

So for my facebook friends, you may have realized I'm posting there, as well... but adding more detail to my posts here about the 100 Days of Happiness....

Tonight however, I am just too damn tired to add more details... this is a copy and paste from Facie...   :)

Day 5/100 of Happiness:
I awoke on the wrong side of the bed, sore from neck to toes, dragged myself out the door to meet up with my running buddies... Ran in the snow, up and down hills for what seemed like forever............. (I am not a runner. I just started last week and the furthest I ran was 1.5 miles)...
At the end of it, sweaty and breathless, I asked how far we ran: 4.33 miles!!!!!!
Happy Happy Happy! Most I've ever run and there were plenty of hills as well. Woot woot!

Must close eyes and recuperate...

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