Monday, November 10, 2014

Inspired Thought

I am reading (more like devouring and studying and re-reading) as many books as I can get my fingers on by the man named Neville Goddard. Here is a paragraph from one of his book titled "Feeling Is the Secret":

'Ideas are impressed on the subconscious through the medium of feeling. No idea can be impressed on the subconscious until it is felt, but once felt -be it good, bad, or indifferent- it must be expressed. Feeling is the one and only medium through which ideas are conveyed to the subconscious. Therefore, the person who does not control their feelings may easily impress the subconscious with undesirable states.
    Control of feelings is not restraint or suppression of feelings... but rather the disciplining of Self to imagine and entertain ONLY such feelings as contributes to your HAPPINESS.
Control of your feeling is all important to a full and happy life. Never entertain an undesirable feeling, nor think sympathetically about wrong in any shape or form. Do not dwell on the imperfection of yourself or others. To do so is to impress the subconscious with these limitations. What you do not want done unto you, do not feel that it is done unto you or another. This is the whole law of a full and happy life. Everything else is commentary.

Every feeling makes a subconscious impression and, unless it is counteracted by a more powerful feeling of an opposite nature, must be epxressed. The dominant of two feelings is the one expressed. I am healthy is a stronger feeling that I will be healthy. To feel I will be is to confess I am not; I am is stronger than I am not.'

Wheweeeee. That is a good one to get locked in. Life would be SO incredibly different if we had so much discipline over our thoughts that we were able to keep negativity in check!

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