Thursday, November 13, 2014

Day Eleven... Happy!

11/100 Days of Happiness...

Oh BOY! Soooo today I am having a heckuva time picking which happy moment to write about! Wowza!! I think I was pretty much happy from the time I crawled out of bed until this very instance! (I'm actually sitting here with a big ol smile on my face)... Today was magical... for no particular reason. I was just buzzzzzing all day. I had two amazing mind blowing realizations today,  one was with a client of mine and the other was a reading at the end of yoga class tonight... I think they will eventually be blog posts once I process them fully... :)

I am soooooo glad I made myself go to hot yoga last night. Today's kung fu class, while still a whooping, was significantly better because my muscles were much more relaxed, even though I worked them out last night. There's some thing about the hot room that does wonders to muscles.

I headed to lunch afterwards and an eight minute slot out of 24 hours gets the shout out of the day!
I was sitting there eating with my friend and realized that the song that was playing over the speakers was totally making me jam out. I couldn't stop dancing. I was like, "Gosh, I like this song!" and he replied, "Yeah, I can tell. You haven't stopped dancing this entire time."

Shortly after that the song came to an end.... AND THEN REPEATED!!! I was like "OHH NO WAY!!!!" How awesome is it when your jam is on repeat!?  And it was just a glitch in the matrix because at the end of the second time through it moved on to another song. I was supppper happy.  :D Sometimes it's the little moments, that we just don't give enough credit to... I even looked at him and was like "This is TOTALLY my happy moment of the day post".... (I just didn't realize how great the rest of the day was going to go!) But in the end, the small moment wins the spotlight.

Watch out though!  This song will make you groooooove. I can not keep my shoulders still while it's on. HA!

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