Saturday, November 8, 2014


It's that time again... Day 6/100

I am shocked how rocked my body was today. That 4 mile run yesterday kinda took it outta me again today.  I was able to do the massages that I had on my schedule and, yes I'll admit it, crawled into bed at 4:45 .... BUT in my defense, it is winter in Alaska and the sun had set at 4:30 so it felt like it was 7pm.

By the time I had made it into bed I was so thoroughly exhausted that the very thought of moving made me want to cry... And as I lay there melting into the warmth of my covers, I realized something... ....... I was getting hungry.          Nooooooooooo!

I was so incredibly thankful when my mom answered her phone and said she'd bring me food and I was overjoyed when I answered the door and my sweet little brother handed me a sandwich. (It took every last ounce of my energy to get out of bed to answer the door)....

Sometimes it's the small stuff in our days that means so much to our happiness.

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