Sunday, November 16, 2014

Lucky 13

13/100 Days of Happiness

Today's post gets summed up in one word:  Honored.

Language can be so very limiting sometimes, well, most of the time. Honored is the closet word I could come up with for the feelings I had today that made me very, very happy.  I was incredibly fortunate today to receive gifts from someone.  These weren't gifts of any sort of material substance or monetary value. To some, they wouldn't even appear as a gift.

I started my morning off by having a friend share with me stories from their soul. I do not know if the words they shared with me have been seen by anyone else. I was completely captivated and amazed at the raw beauty that was expressed. I do not know if there is any greater honor than to have someone open up their soul and say, "Look at me, in all my humble humanness, my wounds, my sad places that bring me tears and nightmares. Please let me share this with you." Now that is a gift. It is also a gift within a gift... for in that moment, I am given the opportunity to open up my soul and welcome someone in and be fully present with a very special aspect of that person. I think all of us want someone to see us. To see us in all of our imperfections, our wounds and the places we hide from even ourselves, sometimes. In that space, when we are seen and the other person doesn't judge and doesn't leave us alone, great, great healing happens. Our dark spaces become filled with the light of another and we realize love can exist where we once thought we were unlovable. Both people are affected by the opportunity of being exposed. Both people receive healing.

I am extremely happy and filled with honor to receive these gifts today. Thank you from the center of my heart.

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