Saturday, November 15, 2014

Day 12 of Happiness Posts

Comfort zones..... soooo very comfortable. Wouldn't you agree? Familiar. Safe. Dependable. Deceptive... oooo, didn't see that one comin', did ya?  Comfort zones are soooo very deceptive. We think they are safe because they are familiar and dependable but they will keep you from experiencing life to the fullest!

A friend of mine has been asking me to go to salsa lessons with her for months. I've accepted the offer a couple of times and backed out at the last minute... I've flat out said no... and I've responded, I'll think about it....

I have tried salsa lessons a couple of times in the past and did not enjoy it. I felt awkward, like I had two left feet, and no rhythm. I didn't want a bunch of creepy dudes trying to get all close and weird with me. I didn't want to feel uncomfortable. I'll stay in my safe, familiar, comfort zone. Thank you very much.

Well, persistence pays off... I finally accepted her offer for real tonight. I showed up a little later than I said I would... I had to drag myself out of my car.... and force one foot in front of the other as I walked to the door. I didn't want to be there. I was immediately asked by three guys to dance and I laughed and graciously replied no. Hahaha.... but once again, persistence pays off. After about 7 songs, gracious laughter and gentle no's, I finally had to cave. I mean, I did come to a place where every single person was dancing. Comfort Zone was tied up in the backseat of my car anyways by this point.... here goes nothing.

I danced for two hours straight! I couldn't stop dancing! Did I step on toes? Did I look like I had two left feet? Did one person say, "Wow, it's like dancing with a Laugh Track."? The answer to all of those is YES.   I did have to ask the guy, "What's a Laugh Track??"  He replied, "You know in older sitcoms where they would 'cue' the laughter..."  ohhhhhhhhh.  Cue: Laughter.  hahahahah! 

By the end of the night, I think I was getting it down. I mean, I was never short a dance partner, despite the toe crushing moves I was busting out. And I was told a few times, You've got it (and at that precise moment I would lose it)... but hey! Cue: Laughter.  Keep on, keepin on! 

I'm already looking forward to next Friday night! When I made it back to my car, I noticed that Comfort Zone was no longer tied up in the back seat.... but was greeting me smiling in the front seat, a little bigger than I remembered.

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